FOSSi @ FOSDEM 2017: What can digital designers learn from software developers?
One of my favourite conferences every year is FOSDEM in Brussels. This year I have the privilige to represent the FOSSi Foundation in the EDA Devroom, organized by our friend Javier Serrano. I’ll talk about Digital hardware design: What can we learn from software development – and what not. Join me for a look at processes and tools that make the lifes of developers, both of software and hardware, easier. What can we learn from each other? Where are different approaches needed?
After the talk I’ll also be present at the panel session on HDL simulation and synthesis tools.
FOSDEM is a busy conference, but also a great venue for hallway talks over a beer at Friday’s beer event, or over fries in the cold. So say hi if you’re around! I’d love to hear your ideas on LibreCores, FOSSi, and the universe in general.
Talk Datasheet
- Sunday 12:00 - 12:25 (move your lunch break!)
- EDA devroom, Room AW1.120