is a modern portal for Free and Open Source Silicon (FOSSi). Our aim is that it becomes the entry point to find and promote high quality free and open source digital IP blocks, free and open source platforms and free and open EDA tools. The focus is on user collaboration, for example by recommendations, and providing a simple interface to understand the fitness of a project. is currently under development and needs constant improvement. In the next future we plan extensions to the user interaction, an open API, improved search and listing, and we will get into the alpha phase for our continuous integration (LibreCores CI).

We are always searching for developers that are interested to contribute to the development of

  • Frontend designers and programmers

  • Backend designers, ideally experienced with Symfony PHP framework

  • Jenkins/Groovy developers and testers for LibreCores CI

If you are interested and want to contribute, please have a look at our contribution guide.

Job Offer

We have funds allocated for the development of and search for contractors for the aforementioned tasks. If you want to work for us instead of casually contributing (which can also complement each other) and share our values and goals, please get in touch at