Call for Proposals: GSoC 2018
We are applying for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) again this year. In the last two years we had the honor to be part of GSoC as an umbrella organization. You find the projects here: 2016, 2017
As an umbrella organization we provide all projects related to open source silicon design, open source EDA tools and the related ecosystem the opportunity to participate with their project proposals.
Google Summer of Code is an excellent opportunity for you to grow your community. You basically mentor a student for three months to work on a specific task in your project. Google pays the student a stipend and we help you with the organization. You can concentrate on mentoring the student and make them a permanent member of your community.
If you are interested please get in touch with us at and send the following details:
A link to your project and a brief description
Your idea(s) for student projects. You can find last years ideas here
Indicate if you are available as mentor during this summer (May to August)
To ensure the high quality of projects and as part of our committment to Google, the last point is very important. We need to to be sure about your availability, especially if we don’t know each other so far. But don’t be shy! Even if you cannot mentor yourself, please propose projects. We have successfully arranged mentorship before.
Please send your idea before January 23.