ORConf 2018 update
This year’s ORConf is but 8 weeks away and we’re pleased to announce that we have another great event lined up for everyone.
First, I’d like to announce and publicly thank our major sponsor this year; Google. In addition to them I’d like to thank AntMicro and Rick O’Connor and the RISC-V Foundation for their continued support of ORConf.
Already we have a fantastic lineup of presentations in store; Wilson Snyder’s presentation on Verilator 4.0, Tim Ansell’s talk on SymbiFlow, an update on the OpenRISC project from Stafford Horne, talks on SpinalHDL, OpenSoC Debug, an update on the ZipCPU, retargeting CPUs to RISC-V, Clash, and Project Trellis!
There is more to come too, in particular plans are afoot for a workshop on the RISC-V based PULP platform. Details on this will be revaled in the coming weeks. To stay in the loop, subscribe to the orconf-announce list.
If you’d like to present at ORConf please submit a proposal via this form. ORConf’s audience would love to hear from users and developers of open source digital design (FOSSi) cores, tools and systems alike.
If you plan on joining us then please do register to attend - it’s free to come ot ORConf but we’d like to at least know how many people are coming on which days.
ORConf will continue to be free to attend, and we’re on the look-out for potential sponsors of this year’s event. Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more about our sponsorship packages.
As usual the ORConf.org site will always have the most up to date information.
Thanks for reading and we look forward to seeing everyone in ORConf in September!