Announcing FOSSistanbul
FOSSi Foundation is inviting everyone interested in Free and Open Source Silicon to meet in Istanbul, Turkey, between 13th of March and 15th of March. The event is free to attend, but professional tickets for 250 EUR are available for individuals who are kind enough to donate for the event.
We ask you to register now, hurry up, we have room for only 200.
Do you have a project you want to talk about, an announcement to make, results you want to share with us? We encourage attendees that are working on
- Open source hardware
- Software and development environment for open source hardware
- Applications, research using open source hardware
- Advocate and support free and open source hardware to prepare a 5 minute presentation and bring a poster. We will have condensed sessions, where you can make a short introduction and optionally present your work during extended breaks with your poster. Based on availability, the FOSSistanbul program committee will consider longer presentations and announce it by 1st of March latest.
In addition we willhave three invited talks from renowned speakers, as well as a social event that will (weather permitting) take place on the Bosphorus.
FOSSistanbul is a one-off event organized by the FOSSi Foundation in addition to its regular meetings OrCONF in Europe (fall) and LatchUp in North America (11-12 April, Cambridge MA).
We rely on the generous support of companies and individuals to help put the event on. At this stage all sponsorship opportunities are available - so if you’d like to help the FOSSi Foundation fund the event, and get a great bit of recognition for it, contact us using the links on the FOSSistanbul page.