FOSSi Foundation launches a new event series named FOSSi Dial-up. It consists of monthly online events that features distinctive speakers from the FOSSi community. By dedicating one hour of presentation plus time for questions, it is set up to become the premier event for major announcements and focused in-depth technical content from all areas of the community.

The series starts with a walk through the new project between Google and SkyWater Technology Foundry to provide a fully open source PDK! The following months will have focused talks on various aspects of using and interfacing with the newly open sourced PDK.

In the first talk, Tim Ansell will outline the collaboration and the goals of the joint project. He will present the current state of the PDK and the roadmap going forward. A production-ready open source process development kit (PDK) and standard library is an integral part of creating true open source chip designs and was previously missing from the ecosystem. Find out what is happening next!

The first FOSSi Dial-up 2020-06 will be live streamed on Youtube, followed by a Q&A session. It will take place on

Tuesday June 30 at 16:00 GMT

The event is free-to-attend, of course.

The schedule following the inaugural presentation will focus on presentations around the efforts to use the SkyWater 130nm PDK as a viable alternative for truly open source chip production. Speakers will be Matt Guthaus (OpenRAM for SkyWater 130nm), Mohamed Shalan (OpenROAD for SkyWater 130nm), Tim Edwards (EDA tool Magic for DRC checks on SkyWater 130nm) and James Stine (Standard cells for SkyWater 130nm). More talks will follow!

You can find more information and details to join the event on our website: Get your audio couplers out and let’s free the last nanometer!